In 2018 a small group of us launched the American Specialty Tea Alliance (ASTA) with a charge — to represent and grow interest in specialty tea, in both the tea industry and the public, through education and community, by facilitating collaboration between our members, by bolstering the quality and tenability of specialty tea through research and communication, and by promoting these goals worldwide.

We feel that enormous strides were made towards these goals. At the time of this writing, ASTA has over 250 members, we have advised many new businesses in their infancy, and have helped many older businesses reach new heights, and we even hosted the first U.S. Tea Masters Cup Competition in 2019. In 2020, the Board of Directors decided after much deliberation to downsize the operations of the organization and thus, we have converted ASTA to a Facebook Group. Please join us there if you can.

To join the American Specialty Tea Alliance (ASTA), see this Facebook group:

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